Privacy Policy

We have a privacy policy regarding your personal information to provide our service.

Article 1 Definition of personal information

“Personal Information” means information about an individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, and other descriptions contained in the information, and information that can be easily grouped with other information. identify a specific individual.

Article 2 Collection of personal information

We may collect your personal information when you purchase products or make requests in our store. When collecting your personal information, we will clearly state the purpose of use and use legal and fair means.

The personal information collected by this store is as follows.

  • Name
  • Adresse
  • Your phone number
  • e-mail
  • Password
  • Delivery Information
  • History of transactions with this store and its contents
  • Information that identifies a specific person by combining the above

Article 3 Use of personal information

The purpose of using personal information received from customers of this store is as follows.

When confirming an order, confirming shipment of a requested product, or responding to a request This store will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the customer’s consent, except in the following cases.

When it is based on laws and regulations, and when it is necessary to cooperate with national organizations, local governments or those entrusted by them to carry out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations For the protection of human life, body or property When it is necessary and it is difficult to obtain the person’s consent .

When exchanging personal data with companies affiliated with the company that operates this store

Article 4 Management of personal information security

Management of the security of personal information The management of the security of personal information entrusted to us by our customers is ensured by the service provider company by taking rational, organizational, physical, human and technical measures. We will endeavor to avoid losses, falsifications, leaks, etc. personal information.

Article 5 Correction and deletion of personal information

Correction and deletion of personal information If you would like to correct or delete any personal information you have provided to us, please contact us using the contact details below. Additionally, if you have registered as a user, you can correct your personal information from the “My Account” menu on this site.

Article 6 Use of Cookies

This site uses cookies to collect certain information for purposes such as analyzing customer usage of the website and providing customized services and advertisements to individual customers.

About cookies

A cookie is a function that stores your website browsing information on your computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-connectable device). Some cookies are set by us (first-party cookies) and others are set by third parties affiliated with us (third-party cookies).

Purpose of using cookies

We use cookies to improve your convenience, such as by preventing you from repeatedly entering the same information when browsing our website. We use the information collected using cookies to analyze the usage status of our website (access status, traffic, routing, etc.), improve the performance of the website itself, and provide information from our company to our customers. It may be used to improve and improve our services. Additionally, Google analytics may be used and provided with information for this analysis.

How to refuse cookies

How to refuse all cookies
You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to receive some services. Please check with the manufacturer of each browser for information on how to change cookie settings.

How to refuse certain cookies
For information on how to stop providing information to advertising distribution service providers, please contact each company.

Information sent by third-party cookies

This service uses third-party cookies for the purpose of access analysis and advertisement distribution. The information sent by third-party cookies is as follows.

ServiceGoogle Analytics
Information sent by cookieInformation about systems, devices, networks, and communications commonly used for Internet communications Location information Data about behavior on sites and apps Data about browsing pages User identifiers (cookies, device identifiers, etc.) For more information, please refer to Google’s website.
Where to send informationGoogle LLC and its affiliates
Purpose of use at our companyTo analyze user browsing trends and history. Please refer to Google’s website for details.
Purpose of use at destinationSame as above

Article 7 Use of SSL

This store uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to prevent your personal information from being intercepted, obstructed or tampered with when you enter your personal information.
SSL is a feature that encrypts information to prevent eavesdropping and data tampering. By using SSL, information can be transmitted more securely.

Article 8 Changes to the privacy policy

In this store, when we change the personal information we collect, change the purpose of use, or change the privacy policy, we will make it public by making changes to this page.
Unless otherwise specified by the Service, the modified Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon posting on this website.

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